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First (and last??) Warcraft card oils

I was just informed that I can now show my first oil-painted card illustrations I did early this year.  These were for the World of Warcraft card game, a product I've been consistently working on in digital paint for the past 3.5 years.  Unfortunately, things have been quiet on the WOW front and it comes as no surprise that the game as its currently published is no longer: http://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/267188-world-of-warcraft-trading-card-game/

Its really a shame.  WOW has been one of my 3 steady clients since I started freelancing.  I had a blast doing these images in oils and was excited to continue doing more.  WOW has been great to work on, being one of the top-paying clients for this type of work and a natural fit for my aesthetic.  Also, I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Jeremy Cranford, the AD, and have found him to be a positive, nurturing influence.  Hopefully this is not the end of all Warcraft work, but just a shift to new products or publishing arrangements.  

Anyhow, here are my first 2 card paintings in oils.

Tauren Paladin

Orc Shaman

In a couple weeks I will be at Illuxcon again, but this time as a main-show exhibitor.  I'm very pleased to have cracked the lineup after only one year of oil painting my illustrations.  Unfortunately since I have not been doing this long, much of my work is still tied up in NDA so I cannot bring most of 2013's product. Nevertheless, I look forward to a great time catching up with my extended art family.

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