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How's about that, then, guys and gals?

It's that time again - let us meander through the miscellany of music that has mesmerised my mood this week...

To open proceedings, here's a rather interesting cover of one of Our Glorious Leader Madonna's classics by the remarkable James Yuill:

Critics may have accused her of trying to vocally emulate one of our patron saints Kate Bush, but I feel the mysterious Saint Saviour is a delightfully unusual discovery amongst the dross that passes for popular music (M'lud) these days...

As you may well have realised, dear reader, there is little we love better here at Dolores Delargo Towers than to discover a new diva - or some new trash! And that is just what the new "girl"-band sensation Xelle provide by the bucket-load! Thanks to the lovely Mike at Pop Trash Addicts (once again!) for this one:

And from the ridiculous to the sublime... The deeply wonderful Ladytron are back, with a rather fabby new single (which has, unfortunately, been appropriated by FIFA for some game or other):

The remix by DJ Tiesto is rather good too...

And finally - let us conclude with (as is my wont) another little electro number. Here is the Austrian performance artist and club promoter(!) Mel Merio (here without her band, the yukkily named "Menstruation Monsters") with a short but sweet and incredibly catchy choon:


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