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The delish sisters Rebecca and Kate Lund are the bubbly, effervescent and ever so friendly sisters behind the Ballito foodie brand "Delish". 
This passionate foodie duo don't believe in
 "letting the grass grow under their pretty feet" and since December 2013 they have appeared, very successfully  on the "food market" scene, with their infamous slow roasted lamb in naan and their double chocolate brownies. 

Slow Roasted Lamb Naan

They have also established a catering business and now their latest venture is a Restaurant and Deli housed in the stunning Ballito House Boutique Hotel aptly called "House".

The relaxed and comfy seating areas

Lovely views all add to the "House" experience

The House Deli will be stocked with their goodies to enjoy at home, with fresh and frozen meals soon to be added to their Deli range.

The "House" Deli

Having sampled some of their "Delish" delicacies this past Friday at a media launch, I for one will be popping back for more of the same,I personally couldn't think of a nicer way to pass a couple of hours, than enjoying either a brunch or a Sunday Harvest style lunch on a sunny Durban day over at the 
Delish Sisters House".

A selection of tasty "goodies"

Sage Infused Mushroom Cigars

Double Chocolate Brownies (best ever)

Smoked Salmon and Dill Cream Cheese Muffins

A Thank You Biscotti Gift

083 583 2943

House Restaurant & Deli
14 Eland Street

To keep up with the Delish Sisters follow them on:

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